odontologist, Maxillofacial, oculist, Neurologist, Internist, Oncologist, Otorinolaringoiatra, speech therapist.
Tel. +39 335 6100124
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Dr.. Antonino Incammisa

Orl Roma - > Doctors > Otorinolaringoiatra > Dr.. Antonino Incammisa


Nationality: Italian
Marital Status: Married
Residence: Rome, Italy
Mobile phone: +39.328.3628138
Facebook Page: Antonino Incammisa
LinkedIn: dr Antonino Incammisa
Google: dottor Antonino Incammisa, Otorinolaringoiatra

Languages: Italian, mother tongue, English
Date of birth: 13 May 1983
E - Mail: incammisa.orl@gmail.com


➢ Italian Surgeon Specialized in otolaryngology head and neck pathology, since 2014
➢ In 2017, Master in Implants Audiological Aids, Director prof. Maurizio Barbara
➢ From September 2016 ENT Consultant for ORL Roma Care & Research Organization, Chief dott. John Mancini
➢ From December 2016 ENT Consultant for “San Giovanni Calibita” Hospital – Fatebenefratelli, Isola Tiberina – Rome, Director dott. Marco Radici
➢ From January 2014 to August 2016, ENT of role at Gruppo Otologico of Piacenza/Rome, Director prof. Mario Sanna
➢ In 2014, Specialist in ENT at University of Rome ” Campus Bio-Medico“, School of Medicine, Director prof. Fabrizio Salvinelli
➢ From 2011 Teacher and tutor of Anathomical and Dissection’s Courses of the Temporal Bone, Studium ORL “Franco Cocchini”
➢ In 2008, Degree in Medicine at University of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico”.

Published Articles: http:/www.nchi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=a incammisa
➢ From 2014 performed aprroximately 450 surgeries about ENT disease
FOCUS: Othological disorders treatment; Endoscopic Sinus Surgery; Sleep Apnea Syndrome Treatment; Use of new technologies in ENT for adult and children disease treatment, Oncology disease research in ENT.

➢ Since September 2016 on going , Member of ORL Roma Care & Reseach Organization, It ‘s a virtual clinic, where a group of doctors has chosen themselves, sharing the same ethical and moral thinking, chose their partner, maintaining their freedom of action, but provides its own profession for people in need.
➢ Associate of SIO e ChCf / SICMF


  • Speciality: Otolaryngology
  • Education: University of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico”
